Friday, June 29, 2007

Cha Cha Pasha!

Okay! I know most of us saw the fabulous Cha Cha performed on So You Think You Can Dance on Wednesday night!
Thank you Debbie Alan for stating what all of us were thinking. Pasha was the dream of every middle aged house wife that night. He has to have the supper Cylon power (yes I am referencing Battle Star Galactica officially declaring my dorkdom) of projecting to transport himself to a happier place while he danced the night away with Bette Midler! He worked the dance floor with our favorite like it was going out of style! Bravo! Bravo! Needless to say I viewed the performance like 3 times because I just couldn't get enough of sultry geriatric hip swinging and exploding x-jumps. I hope that when I no longer look like the svelte goddess that I am, I too will have a rock solid Russian cabana boy to make feel like the good old days when I could tap that and my partner wouldn't have to sit in the shower for 5 hours afterwards crying, and trying to forget!

Monday, June 25, 2007

The G-Force

So this morning I woke up early to get ready and go to my first day of commission based work. As I exited my bedroom I had the pleasure to greet Jim with hearty hello as he casually walked by unashamed in his G's... The scene randomly appeared in my head throughout my entire day... I bet you guys are jealous

Thursday, June 21, 2007

French Victories... ahem... Defeats...

I know this is silly and dumb, but today at work I had a nine hour shift on the slowest day of the week. What does that mean? Plenty of time to play on the computer!!!! Yeah!!!! So one of the fun things I've found is the following that I thought you might all enjoy. I know I've seen it before, but I've never really read into it. It's quite funny if you take a few minutes to read some of it. So... with no further ado...

Go to Google and type in "french military victories"

Click "I'm feeling lucky"

Proceed to click on the link after "did you mean"

Take a few moments and read about the valor of our friends across the pond.

Wednesday, June 20, 2007

Reverse Cowgirl!

So while not everyone was present this last weekend in Utah, I thought I would post some highlights so fun could be enjoyed by all. Friday night started with a bowl-a-thon. What is more Turner-esque than spending a weekend night in a bowling alley, I ask you. I did get the high score of 145; but, I think the highlight of the evening were the exit moves executed by Tyler, Lindsay and I. They included

  • Irish Step Dancing
  • Frankenstein Walk
  • Breakdancing
  • Chest Slide (not performed by a male)
  • Bend and Snap

The water park was a blast as well. I won't give you the blow by blow, but imagine Wes getting stuck and having to body shimmy up a water slide so he could take the final dip and exit. Lindsay had a particularly fantastic belly flop from trying to attempt a flip with a 1/2 twist. And Lou and I both discovered that we have absolutely no upper body strength thanks to a rope swing.

I know this posting is lame, but I am trying to find my inner voice. Thanks for bearing with!