Blasto's elders quorum has decided to hold a pine wood derby contest as an activity. Blasto and I were excited to go back to our cub scout days and re-live the fun. Then after a certain Sunday we gained a better understanding of the competitiveness of this so called "just-for-fun activity."
Apparently the spirits of most participants have been deflated by a single engineer who apparently uses 3D CAD design programs to come up with the most efficient cars, and supposedly he always wins. Most in the ward have already conceded that he will win.
Not if we have anything to do with it...
We feel it necessary to not only establish the dominance of the Turner name in this new ward, but to also help defeat this pine wood derby-engineering-computer design mongrel to free the "little guys" from their dire, deflated state. "Turners Rule!"
Now we have done research, and we've discovered that the way to really win also co$ts! We could EASILY spend $100 and still be limiting ourselves. (If you doubt me go to to see for yourself)
Obviously we are not going to spend $100. BUT we would like to ensure our victory, and we feel that this necessitates the expenditure of some limited funds. Hence, we are calling for everyone's help!
Blasto and I have committed $10 each, and we are hoping that we can rally all of your support and have everyone donate $5 each. (Just pass on McDonald's one time!)
All donations are greatly appreciated, and we will keep you all posted on our progress!
Just remember: "What we do in this life echoes in the eternities."
i'm so there!! hell, i'll donate $25. whatever it takes to establish unquestionable turner domination!!!
p.s. get aj to donate too. i'm sure he has expendable funds and would be willing to help in the cause.
p.p.s. did you ask beldar?!?
That's the spirit!! We're totally going to recruit Beldar, and maybe a few others we think might be sympathetic to our situation.
I will donate like $20, but how will you get it?
When is the derby? Can I give it to you when you come down for the weekend?
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